We think differently

Here’s where the journey begins.

Big changes are overwhelming — especially to someone on the autistic spectrum. The good news: Haim works in small, manageable steps — and is at your side the whole way through.


01 Referral

Haim requires a doctor’s order, along with your child’s diagnosis and a recommendation
for ABA therapy. We’ll also need a referral form filled with your insurance carrier and
other essential information.

To make a referral for ABA services:

02 Intake

Once we receive authorization, we’ll begin the intake assessment. A BCBA will meet with
you and your child to assess your child’s medical, psychological, and behavioral history.

Client intake form

03 Evaluation

Essential to setting smart goals? Getting the full picture. We’ll interview the parent or caregiver
and collaborate with your care team, therapists, and school or daycare. Then we’ll observe and
assess your child to determine if they’re eligible for ABA services, and how often.

How does Haim assess your child?

For children with autistic symptoms, an assessment can feel scary and overwhelming — for both child and parent. To avoid triggering your child, we’ll observe with care. Haim specialists focus on big-picture skills, like your child’s ability to function socially, make friends, and take care of themselves. And we’ll keep the assessment short, sweet, and sensitive!

ABA Treatment

04ABA Treatment

  • Parent training
    Parent training

    You are your child’s greatest guide through life. A Haim BCBA will help you learn smarter strategies to manage behaviors — and integrate new skills in a home setting.

  • Parent training
    ABA therapy

    A skilled, hand-picked behavior technician will meet with your child wherever they’re comfortable: home, daycare, or school. They’ll work on new skills and move the goalpost along as they progress.

  • Parent training
    Treatment planning

    As your child learns new skills, your BCBA will update their personalized treatment plan, so it’s always evolving to meet your child’s growth!

Periodic Evaluation

05 Periodic Evaluation

Essential to setting smart goals? Getting the full picture. We’ll interview the parent or caregiver
and collaborate with your care team, therapists, and school or daycare. Then we’ll observe
and assess your child to determine if they’re eligible for ABA services, and how often.

Periodic Evaluation
How long does ABA therapy take to be effective?

Everyone is different. While some children with autism may benefit from ABA therapy for over 5 years, others require just 6 months of therapy before gradually tapering off. The most important thing: that your child is learning pivotal new skills, growing, and learning to love living in the world around them.

Your child deserves

Our child's journey starts here — and
goes farther than
you can imagine.

Ready to get started?

Take the Quiz

Or give us a call at Haim HQ 855-511-HAIM (4246)